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Parkeray Receives Prestigious RoSPA President’s Award

On Tuesday 19 June Parkeray was recognised with an award like no other! After 10 consecutive years of receiving RoSPA Gold Awards, our Health & Safety team collected the prestigious RoSPA President’s Award at the annual presentation ceremony held at ExCel London.

The internationally-renowned RoSPA Health and Safety Awards is the longest-running industry awards scheme in the UK. The scheme receives entries from organisations around the world and recognises achievement in health and safety management systems, including practices such as leadership and workforce involvement.

The RoSPA President’s Award recognises our consistent health and safety record and dedication to upholding RoSPA values. It also highlights the great work achieved by our Health and Safety team Terry Tracey and Paul Makoff-Clark and their commitment to ensuring our staff and supply chain buy-in to Parkeray’s health and safety ethos.

‘Safety First’ is more than just our health and safety motto. Well done to all for making this possible.

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